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Volume 3, Issue
1, January 2009
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The Increasing Incidence of Diabetes in the 21st Century
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 1: Page 1-2
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The Median is Not the Only
Message: A Clinician's Perspective on Mathematical Analysis of
Glycemic Variability and Modeling in Diabetes Mellitus
Anthony L. McCall, Boris P. Kovatchev
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 3-11
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Contributions of Mathematical
Modeling of Beta Cells to the Understanding of Beta-Cell
Oscillations and Insulin Secretion
Morten Gram Pedersen
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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System-Level Control to Optimize
Glucagon Counterregulation by Switch-Off
Suppressing Signals in β-Cell Deficiency
Leon S. Farhy, Anthony L. McCall
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 21-33
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Signal-Response Modeling of
Partial Hormone Feedback Networks
Michael L. Johnson, Paula P. Veldhuis, William S. Evans
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 34-43
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Text (PDF)
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In Silico
Preclinical Trials: A Proof of Concept in Closed-Loop Control of
Type 1
Boris P. Kovatchev, Marc D. Breton, Chiara Dalla Man, Claudio
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 44-55
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Physical Activity into the Meal
Glucose-Insulin Model of Type 1 Diabetes:
In Silico
Chiara Dalla Man, Marc D. Breton, Claudio Cobelli
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 56-67
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Treatment with Sitagliptin or
Metformin Does Not Increase Body Weight Despite Predicted
Reductions in Urinary Glucose Excretion
Steven B. Waters, Brian G. Topp, Scott Q. Siler, Charles M.
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes Patients
with Insufficient Metabolic Control: Focused Self-Monitoring of
Blood Glucose Intervention Can Lower Glycated Hemoglobin A1C
Svein Skeie, Gunn B. B. Kristensen, Siri Carlsen, Sverre
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, January 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 83-88
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Coordinated Basal–Bolus Infusion for Tighter Postprandial
Glucose Control in Insulin Pump Therapy
Jorge Bondia, Eyal Dassau, Howard Zisser, Remei Calm, Josep Vehí,
Lois Jovanovič, Francis J. Doyle III
of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009, Volume 3, Issue
1: Page 89-97
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Text (PDF)
Clinical Evaluation of a Transcutaneous Interrogated
Fluorescence Lifetime-Based Microsensor for Continuous Glucose
Jannik K. Nielsen, Jens S. Christiansen, Jesper S. Kristensen,
Hans O. Toft,
Lars Lundby Hansen, Søren Aasmul, Klaus Gregorius
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 98-109
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
An Automated Discontinuous Venous
Blood Sampling System for
Ex Vivo
Glucose Determination in Humans
Roland Schaller, Franz Feichtner, Hans Köhler, Manfred Bodenlenz,
Johannes Plank, Andrea Wutte, Julia K. Mader, Martin Ellmerer,
Reinhard Hainisch, Thomas R. Pieber,
Lukas Schaupp
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 110-116
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Changes in Diabetes Distress Related to Participation in an
Internet-Based Diabetes Care Management Program and Glycemic
Stephanie J. Fonda, Graham T. McMahon, Helen E. Gomes, Sara
Hickson, Paul R. Conlin
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 117-124
Full Text (PDF)
Intensive Care Unit Insulin Delivery Algorithms: Why So Many?
How to Choose?
Garry M. Steil, Dorothee Deiss, Judy Shih, Bruce Buckingham,
Stuart Weinzimer,
Michael S.D. Agus
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 125-140
Full Text (PDF)
Smart Home-Based Health Platform for Behavioral Monitoring and
Alteration of Diabetes Patients
Abdelsalam Helal, Diane J. Cook, Mark Schmalz
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 141-148
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
Comparison of the Dose Accuracy of Prefilled Insulin Pens
Alexander Weise, Johannes W. Pfützner, Julia Borig, Anna M.
Michael Safinowski, Heike Hänel, Petra B. Musholt,
Andreas Pfützner
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 149-153
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Analysis of Studies That Compare
the Dose Accuracy of Prefilled Insulin Pens
Daniel Crowe
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 154-155
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A Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for
Determination of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D2 and 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D3
in Dried Blood Spots:
A Potential Adjunct to Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Risk Screening
Mark S. Newman, Theodore R. Brandon, Margaret N. Groves, William
L. Gregory,
Sanjay Kapur, David T. Zava
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 156-162
Full Text (PDF)
Medical Implications of Obesity in
Horses―Lessons for Human Obesity
Philip J. Johnson, Charles E. Wiedmeyer, Nat T. Messer IV,
Venkataseshu K. Ganjam
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 163-174
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
Pharmacists' Role
in Improving Diabetes Medication Management
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 175-179
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
The Potential Use of Radio Frequency
Identification Devices for Active Monitoring
of Blood Glucose Levels
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 180-183
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Recent Advances in Internet-Delivered,
Evidence-Based Weight Control Programs for Adults
Rebecca A. Krukowski, Delia Smith West, Jean Harvey-Berino
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 184-189
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Incorporating a Generic Model of
Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption into the AIDA v4 Diabetes Simulator
3. Early Plasma Insulin Determinations
D. Lehmann, Cristina Tarín, Jorge Bondia, Edgar Teufel, Tibor
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 190-201
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
A Review of Health Literacy and
Diabetes: Opportunities for Technology
Suzanne Austin Boren
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 202-209
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Trust: Need for an Improved
Communication between the Public World and the Pharmaceutical
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 210-212
Full Text (PDF)
The Impact of Insulin Adsorption onto
the Infusion Sets in the Adult Intensive
Care Unit
Therese Jakobsson, Robert Shulman, Hardyal Gill, Kevin Taylor
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, January 2009,
Volume 3, Issue 1: Page 213-214
Full Text (PDF)