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Volume 1, Issue
4, July 2007
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Bariatric Surgery
for Obese Adolescents
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 451-453
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Selectivity Assessment of
Noninvasive Glucose Measurements Based on Analysis of
Multivariate Calibration Vectors
Mark A. Arnold,
Lingzhi Liu, Jonathon T. Olesberg
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 454-462
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Continuous Noninvasive Glucose
Monitoring Technology Based on "Occlusion Spectroscopy"
Orna Amir,
Daphna Weinstein, Silviu Zilberman, Malka Less, Daniele Perl-Treves,
Harel Primack, Aharon Weinstein, Efi Gabis, Boris Fikhte,
Avraham Karasik
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 463-469
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Prediction Capability of Optical
Coherence Tomography for Blood Glucose Concentration Monitoring
Roman V. Kuranov,
Veronika V. Sapozhnikova, Donald S. Prough, Inga Cicenaite,
Rinat O. Esenaliev
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page
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Text (PDF)
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Predictive Monitoring for Improved
Management of Glucose Levels
Jaques Reifman,
Srinivasan Rajaraman, Andrei Gribok, W. Kenneth Ward
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 478-486
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Text (PDF)
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Altered Disease Course after
Initiation of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Noninsulin-Treated
Type 2 Diabetes (ROSSO 3)
Hubert Kolb,
Berthold Schneider, Lutz Heinemann, Volker Lodwig, Werner A.
Scherbaum, Stephan Martin
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 487-495
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Text (PDF)
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Inflammation and Glucose Sensors:
Use of Dexamethasone to Extend Glucose Sensor Function and Life
Span in Vivo
Ulrike Klueh,
Manjot Kaur, David C. Montrose, Donald L. Kreutzer
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 496-504
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Text (PDF)
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A Telemedicine System That
Includes a Personal Assistant Improves Glycemic Control in
Pump-Treated Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Mercedes Rigla,
M. Elena Hernando, Enrique J. Gómez, Eulalia Brugués, Gema
García-Sáez, Verónica Torralba, Agustina Prados, Luisa Erdozain,
Joana Vilaverde, Alberto de Leiva
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 505-510
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Telemedicine-Based KADIS®
Combined with CGMS™ Has High Potential for Improving
Outpatient Diabetes Care
Salzsieder, Petra Augstein, Lutz Vogt, Klaus-Dieter Kohnert,
Peter Heinke,
Ernst-Joachim Freyse, Abdel Azim Ahmed, Zakia
Metwali, Iman Salman, Omer Attef
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 511-521
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Text (PDF)
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Performance of Electronic Diaries
in Diabetes Clinical Trials Measured Through Overall Satisfaction
of Site Coordinators
Mehul Jhaveri,
Elizabeth Lee
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 522-530
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Accuracy of Digital Images for
Assessing Diabetic Retinopathy
Hyungjin Myra
Kim, Julie C. Lowery, Ronald Kurtz
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 531-539
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Treat-to-Target Insulin Titration Algorithms When Initiating Long or
Intermediate Acting Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes
Poul Strange
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 540-548
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Metabonomics in Diabetes Research
Johan H. Faber,
Daniel Malmodin, Henrik Toft, Anthony Maher, Derek Crockford,
Holmes, Jeremy K. Nicholson, Marc E. Dumas, Dorrit Baunsgaard
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 549-557
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Blood Lactate Measurements and
Analysis During Exercise: A Guide for Clinicians
Matthew L. Goodwin,
James E. Harris, Andrés Hernández, L. Bruce Gladden
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 558-569
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Intense Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes:
Exploring the Role of Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Ludovic Jean Chassin,
Malgorzata E. Wilinska, Roman Hovorka
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 570-573
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Safety of the Ullorex®
Oral Intragastric Balloon for the Treatment
of Obesity
Corby K. Martin,
Drake E. Bellanger, Kristina K. Rau, Sandra Coulon, Frank L.
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 574-581
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Function and Arterial Stiffness in Uncomplicated Type 1 Diabetes and
Healthy Controls and the Impact of Insulin on These Parameters
during an Euglycemic Clamp
Birgit Wilhelm,
Matthias M. Weber, Hans Peter Kreisselmeier, Matthias Kugler,
Claudius Ries,
Andreas Pfützner, Peter H. Kann, Thomas Forst
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 582-589
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease: From Common Pathologies to
Potential New Therapeutics
Daniel E. Levy
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 590-594
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Randomized Studies Are Needed to Assess the True Role of
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Noninsulin-Treated Type 2
Christopher G.
Parkin, David Price
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 595-602
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Quantitation of Humalog Insulin by
Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Carey Munsick,
Robert Murray, Tom Dziubla, Anthony M. Lowman, Jeffrey I. Joseph,
Marc C. Torjman
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4: Page 603-607
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Individualized Enhanced Adherence Intervention Study in Adults with
Julienne K. Kirk, Greer A. Raggio, Beverly A. Nesbit, Stephen W.
Shannon L. Mihalko, Gary D. Miller, Mary Ann Sevick
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2007, Volume 1,
Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Regarding King and Armstrong Articles in Volume 1, Issue 1
John Walsh, Ruth Roberts
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2007, Volume 1,
Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)