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Volume 3, Issue
4, July 2009
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Telemedicine to Improve Outcomes in Diabetes—An Emerging Technology
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 624-628
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The Clinical
Use of Hemoglobin A1c
Christopher D. Saudek,
Jessica C. Brick
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 629-634
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Biologic Variability in Plasma
Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Advanced Glycation End Products
Associated with Diabetes Complications
R, David Leslie, Robert M. Cohen
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Influence of Variables on
Hemoglobin A1c Values and Nonheterogeneity of Hemoglobin A1c
Reference Ranges
Trefor Higgins, George Cembrowski, David Tran, Erin Lim, Julie
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 644-648
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Text (PDF)
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Arguments for
and against the Role of Glucose Variability in the Development
of Diabetes Complications
Eric S. Kilpatrick
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 649-655
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Text (PDF)
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Do Race and
Ethnicity Impact Hemoglobin A1c Independent of Glycemia?
William H. Herman
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 656-660
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Increases in
Whole Blood Glucose Measurements Using Optically Based
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Analyzers Due to Extreme
Canadian Winters
George C. Cembrowski, Barbara Smith, Ellen M. O'Malley
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 661-667
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Text (PDF)
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Seasonal Variation in Hemoglobin A1c: Is It the Same in
Both Hemispheres?
Trefor Higgins, Sharon Saw, Ken Sikaris, George C. Cembrowski,
Andrew W. Lyon,
David Tran
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 668-671
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Text (PDF)
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Usefulness of
Point-of-Care Testing in the Treatment of Diabetes in an
Underserved Population
Sandra Leal, Marisa Soto-Rowen
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 672-676
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Text (PDF)
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The Personalized Medicine for
Diabetes Meeting Summary Report
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 677-679
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
The Case for
Personalized Medicine
Edward Abrahams, Mike Silver
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Factors Contributing to Type 2 Diabetes across Ethnicities
Steven C. Elbein
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 685-689
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Text (PDF)
Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes and Implications for Therapy
Jose C. Florez
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 690-696
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Text (PDF)
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Effects of
Glycemic Load on Metabolic Health and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Christian K. Roberts, Simin Liu
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 697-704
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Text (PDF)
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Pharmacogenetics for Type 2 Diabetes: Practical Considerations
for Study Design
Adrian Vella
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4:
Page 705-709
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Text (PDF)
A Strategy
for Analyzing Gene–Nutrient Interactions in Type 2 Diabetes
Carolyn Wise, Jim Kaput
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Family History as a Risk Factor and
Screening Tool
Rodolfo Valdez
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 722-726
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Influences on Development of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity:
Challenges in Personalizing
Prevention and Management
Abby G. Ershow
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 727-734
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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for Diabetes Genomics
Patricia W. Mueller
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 735-738
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Text (PDF)
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Medicine in Diabetes: Regulatory Considerations
Courtney C. Harper
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 739-742
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Biomarkers of Glycemia in Diabetes Management and Implications
for Personalized Medicine
Mark W. True
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Validation of
a Multimarker Model for Assessing Risk of Type 2 Diabetes from a
Five-Year Prospective Study of 6,784 Danish People (Inter99)
Mickey Urdea, Janice Kolberg, Judith Wilber, Robert Gerwien,
Edward Moler, Michael Rowe, Paul Jorgensen, Torben Hansen, Oluf
Pedersen, Torben Jřrgensen, Knut Borch-Johnsen
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 748-755
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: An Overview
David G. Marrero
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 756-760
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Circumference Threshold Values for Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Col. Karl E. Friedl
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 761-769
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Text (PDF)
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A Genomics
Study of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in U.S. Air Force Personnel
Lisa Lott
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 770-775
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Optical Screening for Diabetes
Marwood N. Ediger, Byron P. Olson, John D. Maynard
Journal of
Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Issues of Predictive Genetic Testing for Diabetes
Susanne B. Haga
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,
July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 781-788
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Text (PDF)
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A Feasibiltiy Study of Bihormonal
Closed-Loop Blood Glucose Control Using Dual Subcutaneous
Infusion of Insulin and Glucagon in Ambulatory Diabetic Swine
Firas El-Khatib, John Jiang, Edward R. Damiano
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page 789-803
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Text (PDF)
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Improved Glycemic Control through
Continuous Glucose Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump Therapy:
Prospective Results from a Community and Academic Practice
Patient Registry
Ohad Cohen, Anna Körner, Rudolf Chlup, Christos S. Zoupas, Anton
K. Ragozin,
Krisztina Wudi, Dagmar Bartaskova, Aggelos Pappas, Tamás
Niederland, Zoltán Taybani, Lubomir Barák, and Andriani Vazeou
for the Central and Eastern Europe, Greece, and Israel
Continuous Glucose Sensing Collaborative Study Group
of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Six-Year Retrospective Follow-Up
Study of Safe Screening Intervals for Sight-Threatening
Retinopathy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Enrique Soto-Pedre, Maria Concepcion Hernaez-Ortega, José
Antonio Vázquez
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 812-818
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Full Text (PDF)
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Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy
Using Computer Vision and Physiological Markers
Christopher E. Hann, James A. Revie, Darren Hewett, J. Geoffrey
Geoffrey M. Shaw
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 819-834
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Intermediary Variables and
Algorithm Parameters for an Electronic Algorithm for Intravenous
Insulin Infusion
Susan Braithwaite, Hemant Godara, Julie Song, Bruce A. Cairns,
Samuel W. Jones, Guillermo E. Umpierrez
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 835-856
Full Text (PDF)
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An Evaluation
of ‘"I, Pancreas" Algorithm Performance
In Silico
Malgorzata E. Wilinska, Marianna Nodale
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 857-862
Full Text (PDF)
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Enhanced Glucose Sensor Linearity
Using Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Hydrogels
SanthiSagar Vaddiraju, Hardeep Singh, Diane J. Burgess, Faquir
C. Jain,
Fotios Papadimitrakopoulos
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 863-874
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
A Minimal C-Peptide Sampling
Method to Capture Peak and Total Prehepatic Insulin Secretion in
Model-Based Experimental Insulin Sensitivity Studies
Thomas Lotz, Uli Göltenbott, J. Geoffrey Chase, Paul Docherty,
Christopher E. Hann
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 875-886
Full Text (PDF)
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A Physiological Model of the
Effect of Hypoglycemia on Plasma Potassium
Toke Folke Christensen, Martin Bćkgaard, Jacob Lund Dideriksen,
Kristoffer Lindegaard Steimle, Mads Lause Mogensen, Jonas
Johannes Jan Struijk, Ole Kristian Hejlesen
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 887-894
Full Text (PDF)
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Computing the Risk of Postprandial
Hypo- and Hyperglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Considering
Intrapatient Variability and Other Sources of Uncertainty
Maira García-Jaramillo, Remei Calm, Jorge Bondia, Cristina Tarín,
Josep Vehí
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 895-902
Full Text (PDF)
Affecting Blood Glucose Monitoring: Sources of Errors in
Barry H. Ginsberg
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 903-913
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Full Text (PDF)
Exercise and
Glucose Metabolism in Persons with Diabetes Mellitus:
Perspectives on the Role for Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Michael Riddell, Bruce A. Perkins
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 914-923
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
Oligonucleotide Therapy in Diabetic Retinopathy
Peter Hnik, David S. Boyer, Lisa R. Grillone, John G. Clement,
Scott P. Henry,
Ellen A. Green
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 924-930
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
The Effect of
Reduced Somatosensation on Standing Balance: A Systematic Review
H. J. J. (Cojanne) Kars, Juha M. Hijmans, Jan H.B. Geertzen,
Wiebren Zijlstra
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 931-943
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
Prompting and Feedback of Diabetes Care: A Review of the Literature
Suzanne Austin Boren, Aaron M. Puchbauer, Faustine Williams
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 944-950
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Numerical and
Clinical Accuracy of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
Intravenous Insulin Therapy in the Surgical and Burn Intensive Care
Atoosa Rabiee, Virginia Andreasik, Rania Abu-Hamdah, Panagis
Galiatsatos, Zeina Khouri,
Robert Gibson, Dana K. Andersen, Dariush Elahi
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 951-959
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Continuous Glucose Monitoring during Intensive Insulin Therapy
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 960-963
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Electrical Stimulation with the TANTALUS® System in Obese
Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Effect on Weight and Glycemic Control
Claudia P. Sanmiguel, Jeffrey L. Conklin, Scott A. Cunneen, Philip
Edward H. Phillips, Mark Kipnes, John Pilcher, Edy E. Soffer
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 964-970
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Glucose Meters: A
Review of Technical Challenges to Obtaining Accurate Results
Ksenia Tonyushkina, James H. Nichols
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 971-980
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Glucose Monitoring and Clinical Trials
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 981-985
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Sources of
Glycemic Variability—What Type of Technology is Needed?
Kildegaard, Toke Folke Christensen, Ole Kristian Hejlesen
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 986-991
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
The Role of
Reimbursement in the Adoption of Continuous Glucose Monitors
Amanda Bartelme, Perry Bridger
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, July 2009, Volume 3,
Issue 4: Page 992-995
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Text (PDF)