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Volume 2, Issue
2, March 2008
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The "Catalyst to Better Diabetes Care
Act of 2007"
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume 2,
Issue 2: Page 175-177
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Glucose Monitoring in Acute Care: Technologies on the Horizon
Marc C. Torjman, Niti Dalal, Michael E. Goldberg
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 178-181
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Evaluation of the VIA® Blood
Chemistry Monitor for Glucose in Healthy and Diabetic Volunteers
Arjunan Ganesh, Brian Hipszer, Navdeep Loomba, Barbara Simon,
Marc C. Torjman,
Jeffrey Joseph
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 182-193
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Text (PDF)
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Automated Blood Sampling and
Glucose Sensing in Critical Care Settings
Kislaya Kunjan,
Frank P. Lloyd, Jr.
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 194-200
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Text (PDF)
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An Analysis: Hyperglycemic
Intensive Care Patients Need Continuous Glucose
Monitoring—Easier Said Than Done
Brenda G. Fahy, Douglas B. Coursin
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 201-204
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Text (PDF)
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Inhaled Technosphere®
Insulin in Comparison to Subcutaneous Regular Human Insulin:
Time Action Profile and Variability in Subjects with Type 2
Klaus Rave, Tim Heise, Lutz Heinemann, Anders H. Boss
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2: Page
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Text (PDF)
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Measurement of Glucose in Blood
with a Phenylboronic Acid Optical Sensor
Graham J. Worsley, Guilhem A. Tourniaire, Kathryn E.S. Medlock,
Felicity K. Sartain,
Hazel E. Harmer, Michael Thatcher, Adrian M. Horgan, John
of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume 2, Issue
2: Page
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Text (PDF)
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Impact of Islet Transplantation on
Glycemic Control as Evidenced by a Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Lisa Gorn, Raquel N. Faradji, Shari Messinger, Kathy Monroy,
David A. Baidal,
Tatiana Froud, John Mastrototaro, Camillo Ricordi, Rodolfo
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2: Page
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Text (PDF)
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How Much Do Forgotten Insulin Injections Matter
to Hemoglobin A1c in People with Diabetes? A Simulation Study
Jette Randløv,
Jens Ulrik Poulsen
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 229-235
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Text (PDF)
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Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
Assessed by a Finger Stick Dried Blood Spot Method
Sanjay Kapur, Sonia Kapur, David Zava
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Analysis of the Use of Dried Blood
Spot Measurements in Disease Screening
Ramakrishnan Lakshmy
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 242-243
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Text (PDF)
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Pioglitazone Improves Metabolic
Markers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Independently from
Physical Activities: Results from the IRIS III Study
Thomas Schöndorf, Andreas Pfützner, Georg Lübben, Efstrathios
Werner Roth, and Thomas Forst
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2: Page
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Noninvasive Transcutaneous
Sampling of Glucose by Electroporation
S. Srinivasa Murthy, V. Siva Ram Kiran, S.K. Mathur, S.
Narasimha Murthy
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 250-254
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Effects of Exenatide on Diabetes,
Obesity, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Hepatic Biomarkers in
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Loretta L. Nielsen, Ted Okerson, John Holcombe, Byron Hoogwerf
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 255-260
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Combining Insulin Pumps and Continuous
Glucose Monitors; Where Are We to Go from Here?
Hans DeVries
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 261-262
Abstract /
Full Text (PDF)
Design as a Critical Tool in Bariatric
Patient Care
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 263-267
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Utilization of Nerve Conduction
Studies for the Diagnosis of Polyneuropathy in Patients with
Diabetes: A Retrospective Analysis of a Large Patient Series
Kong, Eugene A. Lesser, Frisso A. Potts, Shai N. Gozani
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 268-274
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Diabetes Information Technology:
Designing Informatics Systems to Catalyze Change in Clinical Care
William T. Lester, Adrian H. Zai, Henry C. Chueh, Richard W.
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 275-283
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Blood Glucose Meters That Are
Accessible to Blind and Visually Impaired Persons
M. Uslan, Darren M. Burton, Charles W. Clements
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 284-287
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Diabetes: An Investor's Perspective
Bernard Harris, Jr.
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 288-291
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Insulin Pen—The "iPod" for Insulin
Delivery (Why Pen Wins over Syringe)
Ernest Asamoah
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 292-296
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Inhaled Insulin: Take a Deep Breath,
but How?
Lutz Heinemann, Gerhard Scheuch, Tim Heise
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 297-299
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Third Annual Clinical Diabetes Technology Meeting, April 20-21, 2007, San
Clinical Overview of Continuous
Glucose Monitoring
Bruce Buckingham
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 300-306
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Establishing a Continuous Glucose
Monitoring Program
Howard Wolpert
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 307-310
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Inhaled Insulin: Promises and Concerns
Jean-Louis Sélam
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 311-315
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, October 25-27, 2007, San Francisco
Summary of Seventh Annual Diabetes
Technology Meeting, October 25–27, 2007
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 316-320
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
2007 Meeting Agenda
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 321-327
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
2007 Submitted Abstracts
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 328-331, A1-A187
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
New Guideline Supports the Development
and Evaluation of Continuous
Interstitial Glucose Monitoring
Melissa J. D'Archangelo
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, March 2008, Volume
2, Issue 2: Page 332-334
Abstract /
Text (PDF)