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Volume 1, Issue
5, September 2007
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The New Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and
Health Engineering and Physics Laboratory and Methods for Testing
That Controls Infusion Pumps
David C. Klonoff
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page
Full Text
Blood Glucose Monitoring: Necessary and Sufficient?
H. Ginsberg
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 612-613
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Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in
Noninsulin-Treated Patients with Type 2
Diabetes: A Never Ending Story?
Oliver Schnell, Lutz Heinemann
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 614-616
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Reconstruction of Glucose in
Plasma from Interstitial Fluid Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Data: Role of Sensor Calibration
Andrea Facchinetti, Giovanni Sparacino, Claudio Cobelli
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 617-623
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Hypoglycemia Detection and
Prediction Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring—
A Study on Hypoglycemic Clamp Data
Cesar C. Palerm, B. Wayne Bequette,
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 624-629
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Use of Fourier Models for Analysis
and Interpretation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Glucose
Michael Miller, Poul Strange
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 630-638
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Putative Delays in Interstitial
Fluid (ISF) Glucose Kinetics Can Be Attributed to
the Glucose Sensing Systems Used
to Measure Them Rather Than the Delay in
ISF Glucose Itself
Gayane Voskanyan, D. Barry Keenan, John J. Mastrototaro, Garry
M. Steil
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 639-644
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Glucose Prediction Algorithms
from Continuous Monitoring Data: Assessment
of Accuracy via Continuous Glucose Error-Grid Analysis
Francesca Zanderigo, Giovanni Sparacino, Boris P. Kovatchev,
Claudio Cobelli
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 645-651
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Text (PDF)
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Accuracy Requirements for a
Hypoglycemia Detector: An Analytical Model to
Evaluate the Effects of Bias, Precision, and Rate of Glucose
Sharbel E. Noujaim, David Horwitz, Manoj Sharma, Joseph Marhoul
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 652-668
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Text (PDF)
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Continuous Glucose Sensors:
Continuing Questions about Clinical Accuracy
William L. Clarke, Boris P. Kovatchev
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 669-675
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Text (PDF)
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Self-Measurement of Blood Glucose
in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Health
Christian Weber, Kurt Neeser, Berthold Schneider, Volker Lodwig
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 676-684
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Text (PDF)
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Simulation of the Effect of Rate of Change of Glucose on
Measurement Error of Continuous Glucose Monitors
Marc B. Taub, Thomas A. Peyser, J. Erik Rosenquist
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 685-694
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Text (PDF)
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Continuous Glucose Profiles in
Healthy Subjects under Everyday Life Conditions
and after Different Meals
Guido Freckmann, Sven Hagenlocher, Annette Baumstark, Nina
Jendrike, Ralph C. Gillen, Katja Rössner, Cornelia Haug
of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007, Volume 1,
Issue 5: Page 695-703
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Text (PDF)
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versus 24 Hours of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion as
Supplement to Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in Type 2 Diabetes
Tina Parkner, Torben Laursen, Jian-Wen Chen, Marianne K. Møller,
Henrik F. Thomsen, Christina Jørgensen, Jørgen S.Smedegaard,
Torsten Lauritzen, Jens S. Christiansen
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 704-710
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Text (PDF)
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Effect of Duration of Disease on
Ventilatory Function in an Ethnic Saudi Group of Diabetic
Sultan A. Meo, Abdul Majeed Al Drees, Jehangeer Ahmed, Sayed
Fayaz Ahmed Shah, Khalid Al-Regaiey, Ashraf Husain, Khalid Al-Rubean
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 711-717
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Text (PDF)
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Comparison of Patient's
Preference, Pain Perception, and Usability between Micro Fine
Plus® 31-Gauge Needle and Microtapered NanoPass® 33-Gauge Needle
for Insulin Therapy
Masashi Miyakoshi, Kyuzi Kamoi, Midori Iwanaga, Ayako Hoshiyama,
Ayako Yamada
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 718-724
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
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Does Needle Size Matter?
Harvinder S. Gill, Mark R. Prausnitz
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 725-729
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Going Mobile with a Multiaccess
Service for the Management of Diabetic Patients
Giordano Lanzola, Davide Capozzi,
Giuseppe D'Annunzio, Pietro Ferrari, Riccardo Bellazzi, Cristiana
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 730-737
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Diabetes Research in Children Network:
Availability of Protocol Data Sets
Katrina J. Ruedy, Roy W. Beck, Dongyuan Xing, Craig Kollman
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 738-745
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Recent Advances in Continuous Glucose
Monitoring: Biocompatibility of Glucose Sensors for Implantation in
H. Kvist, Henrik E. Jensen
Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology, September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 746-752
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Impact of Different Fat Depots on
Insulin Sensitivity: Predominant Role of
Liver Fat
Kerstin Kirchhoff, Konstantinos Kantartzis, Jürgen Machann, Fritz
Schick, Claus Thamer, Fausto Machicao, Andreas Fritsche, Hans-Ulrich
Häring, Norbert Stefan
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 753-759
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Text (PDF)
Recent Advances in Free-Living
Physical Activity Monitoring: A Review
Andre, Donna L. Wolf
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 760-767
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Physical Activity Monitors: Do More
Sensors Mean Better Precision?
Y. Chen, Megan P. Rothney, Robert J. Brychta
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 768-770
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Emotional Responses to Food among
Depressed Patients
S. Bodenlos, Samet Kose, Jeffrey J. Borckardt, Ziad Nahas, Darlene
Patrick M. O'Neil, Sherry L. Pagoto, Mark S. George
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 771-779
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Incorporating a Generic Model of
Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption into the
AIDA v4 Simulator
2. Preliminary Bench Testing
Eldon D. Lehmann, Cristina Tarín, Jorge Bondia, Edgar Teufel,
Tibor Deutsch
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 780-793
Abstract /
Text (PDF)
Metabolic Syndrome in Insects
Triggered by Gut Microbes
Rudolf J. Schilder, James H. Marden
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, September 2007,
Volume 1, Issue 5: Page 794-796
Abstract /
Text (PDF)